Tuesday, June 14, 2011

day by day

As the saying goes, so little time...so much to do. I'm losing track right now because I do one thing and leave it half way and touch on another. I was handling things quite well, but I have realised I can only handle so much..hence why I have set up a challenge for myself to try and concentrate on a few things at a time, get them done and move on to the next. Even when I am stuck with some project at the office...I have got to the conclusion that I should atleast finish all that I am able to deal with instead of stopping each time I hit a train smash.
Asking questions... I have learned too, to realise that it goes a long way. This course forces you to be the most inquisitive you that you could ever be. There is also no place for indecisiveness...you have got to know what you want and not be on shaky ground.
''Day by day''...thats my new mottto..each day has got its own stresses enough for that one day...so live, breathe and take each challenge by the horns and see if whether you wont feel human again.

till next time


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