Monday, February 21, 2011


I have finally found a job...with NN architects! After that life just went at a fastforward. My job is all the way in East London. I had to move quickly and waste no time...Monday 21st of Feb, I was due to start at work.

I met with my employer, Mr N Nduku and the rest of the team...and I have to mention how warm and welcoming they all were. My first day started off with a meeting and consisted of two main tasks, namely doing some elevations and sections and going on site to meet with one of the clients, Eskom.

I am still finding my way around work and around's not as big as Cape town therefore that is not too much of a task. Right now, my biggest aim is to learn and grasp as much as I can. Hopefully I will have a good workmanship and stay here, but from what I've endured so far so, that hope does not seem too far fetched at all. Till next time....


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