Thursday, March 3, 2011

HUB brainstorming

HUB brainstorming

....okay~!  So now schoolwork starts again...I have to begin to prioritize even further...with the hub having to being handed in by the end of the day... I have to admit that its a bit of a challenge facing work at the workplace and at school at the same time but, being a person who welcomes challenge... enthusiasm and nervousness mix together to eventually produce excitement for this hub project. What makes it even more enticing is the fact that it is brainstorming, encouraging the mind to think and allows abundant sharing of our views as the lecturers never failed to mention that we can work on A3 *NOTE: Not A4* and mentioned to, I quote ''on as many as you need''. rather implying that we should go wild....

I can only think so much after actually sharing and talking my views out with someone who would rather understand the task at hand, and so what I initially did was consolidate with my colleagues on what they thought about such a project, because as iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens the other. Now that helped open my mind to broader heights and to actually see things in different light and perspective.

After that I tried sitting on my own and actually started jotting down what I understood, in reference to what we were briefd...The following links will be a reflection of my thoughts using references and precedent to get to ,not conclusions but to an abundant sense of thinking process which had a carefully thought out method.

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