Tuesday, August 23, 2011


BLOCK 2 was so refreshing and proved as enriching as I intended it to be. The presentations were quite interesting and it was great to see how the other students encapsulated their idea of how they'd like their hub design to be. The guest speakers were brilliant and never ceased to encourage us towards sustainable living...from Karin Strom telling us about how this new way of building is being incorporated into the SANS 204 Regulations to Andrew sharing such a refreshing insight into the more personal side of his life(What a philosopher!) I really enjoyed his talk to us as he connected so much with the audience. Karin Strom mentioneed SA's electricity crisis in 2005 sparked further interest to sustainable living, which made me think back to what my lecturer, Mrs Morkel had said about this current way of living phasing out and green architecture taking the new place...little by little circumstances are causing people to see Green as the new alternative way of sustaining the future. Society is still stuck on Modernism though, and doesn't want to let go, but sadly, they're fighting a losing battle. As much as it will take immeasurable sacrifices and convert the state of mind of many, I strongly believe green and good design will dominate the world by the time me and my class mates are qualified.
As if that was not enough, we were fed with more brainfood and an interesting practical was carried out by Peter Mckintosh on building with adobe...It was like an interesting CTD lecture. All in all, great thanx goes towards my two lecturers for organising this enriching programme for us. Although the last day didnt go quit as planned because of the weather, seeing each other and sharing our work experiences was priceless.

Peter Mckintosh's prac


and voila...ADOBE WALL
*the brick and mortar are made using the same things i.e: sand and water..to add a bit of tensile strength to the brick, hay is added


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