Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I am currently going crazy with finding as many sponsors as I can for the design-build project we are to embark in during November. After sending out countless emails to what would be potential sponsors, today a rep from Floorworx was  in the office and after demonstrating and presenting some flooring to us, I approached her and let her know about the project. She showed so much interest and reffered me to the Floorworx Western Cape regional manager. I tried to get hold of him and hopefully, something positive will come out of it. The rep also offered me a personal invitation to the Floorworx factory to see how laminate timber and engineered timber flooring is made (thanx to her, I now know the difference between the two, including advantages and price range per square metre of the two). I cannot wait!

Its kind of sad that I'm reaching the last couple of months of internship, but I could not be more excited for the St Peters project. We are going to learn sooo much. In reference to the beginning of  my MIP essay, the benefits are immeasurable. It would have been great to sleep at the site thouGH and have even more time to bond. Anyways, the project is the main focus and with the way that we are involved in, it will all prove to be the biggest success
Tilol next time


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