Tuesday, April 12, 2011


OMG lastweek i met up with the owner of one of the projects I have been busy with. Everything was ready luckily, I was done with her drawings and next thing you know on friday 8 March exactly at 12.05pm a client walks in the office, seconds later it is brought to my attention that she came to see Ms Mfikili(me). My heart was too caught off guard it didnt even pound at the exact time, the visit was so unexpected. To cut a long story short, a drawing which was council-submission ready is now back to being in design-mode. The client wants more fancy things which would need lots of money, but trouble is the budget. Now I had to be level headed and not say yes to everything, I had to bring the client back to earth because the demands were kind of sky high. Luckily it was an understanding one and I managed to get her into a mutual agreement with me. Now I have to do little adjustments and call for yet another meeting. Hopefully then it will be more submissive for things to progress. Anyways, it is such a busy time right now, but as usual I am striving to be ontop of things. No stress.

Till next time,

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