Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Another week of productivity! So this is the 2nd last week until we close! Alot of things have been happening...we recently had a mini party for the boss's wife meaning lots and lots of cake. Even clients who came by joined in. Next, we had a meeting whereby everyone was asked about their progress and in which I had to make a really improvised speech of all the things I've learned during my stay. Now I am busy with a joinery schedule for Thafalofefe hospital. Also busy with as-builts for a private home.

The end of year function is this Saturday at Inkwenkwezi Game Lodge where we will also have a game drive...SO excited! And then the results come out this friday! How fast the year has flown by! Nextweek Wednesday, the office closes and on the very same day, I go back home. ALOT of packing is on the cards! I have made a home in East london, friends, family and lots of connections for the future! What a great year it has been!

Next week on arrival in Cape town, Im off to jozi for holiday again with the family...hmmmm, seems like tis year just keeps on getting better and better...Hope this will rub off onto 2012!

May you have a GREAT GREAT GREAT NEW YEAR and may 2012 bring lots of blessings!

till next time


Tuesday, November 29, 2011


15 days to go until its home time for me, East london is nothing like Cape town at all. I'm so homesick now that time is getting nearer. The office is expriencing some technical glitches which have resulted in me having no CAD/SKETCHUP and now I am stuck with filing with is a month's load. Atleast it is so much better than mopping over my pc. Now that its gone, I realised how we have now come to rely on these advanced systems and although they do save mounds of time, drawing boards shouldn't ever be left out. I've found that a hand drawn design captures the true essence of a creative idea. I will try my best to not let CAD/SketchUp/Revit or any computer generated drawing programmes get the best of me because they are so addictive. Anyways, I have got to go...

Till next time

technologies taking over...

 appreciate the expressive quality of traditional handdrawing and harness its value...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011



by Yolanda Mfikili on Sunday, November 6, 2011 at 7:38am i chose this field of study...must say after mounds of confusion, i am only beginning to understand what this is all about. This thing called 'Architecture'.its more than designing and building . Architecture is a tool which proves that there is a God. He is the highest form of architect. He created the earth. He created the planets. The universe. The bold mountains which root deep in the earth than any human mind can begin to understand. Its always said in this field that, every great building begins with strong foundation. Which foundation is the universe holding on to? Truly, is evolution the father to that knowledge? Is it mere chance that the planets,including earth, have been great structures throughout centuries and centuries? if so, how did evolution know when to stop producing new planets in order for them not to crush and knock into each other? Evolution is the result of a frustrated human mind which is trying to find an explanation to the most deepest creations that any human brain could ever handle. Architecture is the architect's way of expressing the lengths of creativity one can reach to make human habitat more exciting. To create perspective instead of 2 dimension. To increase the quality of awareness of space..architecture is layers of space upon space. Earth is our platform. Earth is human space. We create buildings. A space within a space. We create. Earth is created. Its not chance. Architecture loves being expanded to new heights, it is after all expression of the architect's mind. We never underestimate its worth. It could kill. Right now earth is being exposed to many chemicals which ruin it with every passing milisecond. Thus resulting in us, decaying more quicker than we already are. A structure we create can be destroyed by poor maintenance which could result in it ultimately collapsing.

I've seen architecture expressing joy. I've seen architecture expressing pain. Earth expresses joy with its flowers and all types of splendid creature upon it. We,cause it to express pain by ruining its joy. To the point that it becomes barren and infertile. Our structures express joy and pain in a less intense way. Joy expressed through the creation of fun theme parks and aquaruiums,etc. Pain expressed through the creation of historical museums, buildings which have been ruined by the outcomes of war,etc.


This is the term we call it as students. Fine. architecture is a passion, one which comes with a high price. Architects dont sleep. Thats torture. Architects draw and draw. The client may not like what you have created. You go back and draw and draw but try not to distort the initial idea and eventually get lost.Torture. Architects can ruin a concept with a simple sentence and lose the client as an ultimate result. We have to be careful at all times. Sensitivity is everywhere. From that first initial thought of your creation pre-built. We have to consider the culture of an environment. The slope of its landscape. The architecture already there. Whether it were shacks or mountains. The existing have to be respected for the new structure to be a success. Its like us, in order to be well brought up, experience is sucked from whats already been, our parents. A structure may collapse after many years, it has failed because people's lives may be lost. A structure may be so strong that it stands tall through decades upon decades only to be destroyed by a future generation through bulldozers. That structure has passed. It stood to educate and tell history, for example, the Parthenon, the Colloseum,etc. There are architects who have failing buildings, but we still deem as great. Le Corbusier had his Villa Savoye's garden roof leak. But it has taught us something. That building and nature can be intertwined to complement each other. Frank Lloyd Wright's Falling waters isn't all that great after all. But its beauty taught us that we can use certain principles in order to honour aesthetics.
Some architects have died but have still wished for their work to continue. The Sangrada still continues to this day. The plan is never ending. Architect died years and years ago. Passion.
Architecture is a passion.
My passion.



WOW! This year started just yesterday and already it's rounding off to its end! Alot of legendary things new job, meeting the Mandela family at the personal Madiba home in Qunu in a private meeting...just me and my boss, going to Mvezo and going back and forth for the Block sessions at school with the last being a profound experience of stretching out our hand as the Cape Peninsula University of Technology 2011 design build Architecture class and helping out a school in need. Those highlights spell nothing short of FORTUNATE. I was fortunate simply to be a 2nd year student at CPUT in year 2011 and be able to say even 20 years down the line: ''yes I was part of that design-build team''. I was fortunate simply to be a part of NN architects...getting hired was a blessing in its essential self. I was fortunate to be part of a year whereby using the cyber world as a means of learning for the first time...guinea pig would be sound more like it( mind you, my life has always been interesting that way lol). I cannot express my gratitude more although I wish there were other ways to do so. I appreciate the fact that I am studying a career I feel strongly about.

Architecture has exposed itself in its most raw form. Sleepless nights, dealing with clint of different culture and creed with the all sort of different pressures they came with, multi-tasking with different projects simultaneously and accepting the fact that there is no ''me-time'' in this career...SACRIFICE!

Recently I was pondering upon this broad term called Arhitecture...I will be sure to share my thoughts...

To all my blog viewers, this year was not even the tip of the ice berg as to where I am going with this career...I have more intentions, more growth and more stories still to share with all of you. There is a friend of mine from Germany, Sophie Schirren who told me that she has been reading my blog. The shock and emotion that I felt was huge considering the fact that I initially had my mind believe that this blog was only for me and my lecturers...nevermind the fact that it is open to the public...I still had the notion that no one would spare the time to read and share my wonderful experience. This is insight into the life of a typical architecture student and keep on the watch for this one as this is not the end of Yolanda Mfikili.

To round of, I find it so hilarious that now that my time for internship is coming to an end, I am beginning to enjoy being a 'proffessional'...and I must say...ALL WAS SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!

Till next time,

Monday, November 21, 2011


Lastweek thursday, I went to a hospital called Thafalofefe which is in the rurals past Butterworth. Me and the architect I work with on this project were appalled at what we saw. The condition of the hospital was in such a bad state. We went there to do some measured drawings of the TB ward in order to be able to draw up the as built for renovation purposes. After the two hour drive over beautiful hills and valleys we arrived and upon our arrival recieved masks for protection.

Me and my colleague measured the whole ward and had to keep on reassuring the staff that the condition of the hospital would be improved as they could not believe how fortunate they were. This experience made me so aware of the environment. There are so many hospitals in the outskirts of a town which have absolutely nobody who checks for constant maintenance. These type of facilities need to be constantly cared for in terms of maintenance since the health of people is dealt with. They need to encourage the recuperation of patients and not for their deterioration. The toilets had no doors, the frames were decaying and rotting, the kitchen counters looked like they came from and were installed in the 1900's and the windows had no curtains but sheets covering them as if to block a bit of sunlight. My heart went out to those patients who had to spend nights sleeping and waking up to such circumstances. My job was to measure and capture each and every fault in order for it to be recognised and fixed and I must say, I have never been so passionate and eager to take pictures in my whole life!

I drew up the as built and now I am drawing up a renovation schedule which will go to the Quantity surveyors as of wednesday of this week. After I am done with this hospital, I am going to go to the next hospital which will need renovation of its own too. Till then, its goodbye for now!

Till next time

Some pictures witnessing the hospital's state

Monday, November 14, 2011

St Michaels Project

I cannot believe how fast the design-build project went! If I was given two words to describe the experience, they would be FUN and ENRICHING! By the time the project ended,it had already sunk in thesytem and order of things in my daily life. The impact the whole exprience has had on me has been immense in such a way that, my mates grew on me,seeing their smiling faces everyday and the willingness to help towards giving the children a way towards the opportunity of adding a better learning environment became the norm of everyday and by the time the whole project ended,a feeling of sadness grew on all of us since we had nothing to look forward to anymore. Nevertheless, the joy we felt at seeing the happy faces carried by the school chiklren and the staff members was an emotionally moving moment when they also sang a song they had prepared for us.

To be continued...

Till next time

Friday, October 21, 2011

Being home!

Ok so I have arrived in Cape town. So far I an not impressed with the my arrival, getting delayed in Bellville's taxi services. Getting into an argument with the taxi driver...not cool...and then I meet an old friend which atleast made everything better. Now I have to get ready and prepped up for Monday's test and submissions.

Till next time

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I am currently going crazy with finding as many sponsors as I can for the design-build project we are to embark in during November. After sending out countless emails to what would be potential sponsors, today a rep from Floorworx was  in the office and after demonstrating and presenting some flooring to us, I approached her and let her know about the project. She showed so much interest and reffered me to the Floorworx Western Cape regional manager. I tried to get hold of him and hopefully, something positive will come out of it. The rep also offered me a personal invitation to the Floorworx factory to see how laminate timber and engineered timber flooring is made (thanx to her, I now know the difference between the two, including advantages and price range per square metre of the two). I cannot wait!

Its kind of sad that I'm reaching the last couple of months of internship, but I could not be more excited for the St Peters project. We are going to learn sooo much. In reference to the beginning of  my MIP essay, the benefits are immeasurable. It would have been great to sleep at the site thouGH and have even more time to bond. Anyways, the project is the main focus and with the way that we are involved in, it will all prove to be the biggest success
Tilol next time


Tuesday, August 23, 2011


BLOCK 2 was so refreshing and proved as enriching as I intended it to be. The presentations were quite interesting and it was great to see how the other students encapsulated their idea of how they'd like their hub design to be. The guest speakers were brilliant and never ceased to encourage us towards sustainable living...from Karin Strom telling us about how this new way of building is being incorporated into the SANS 204 Regulations to Andrew sharing such a refreshing insight into the more personal side of his life(What a philosopher!) I really enjoyed his talk to us as he connected so much with the audience. Karin Strom mentioneed SA's electricity crisis in 2005 sparked further interest to sustainable living, which made me think back to what my lecturer, Mrs Morkel had said about this current way of living phasing out and green architecture taking the new place...little by little circumstances are causing people to see Green as the new alternative way of sustaining the future. Society is still stuck on Modernism though, and doesn't want to let go, but sadly, they're fighting a losing battle. As much as it will take immeasurable sacrifices and convert the state of mind of many, I strongly believe green and good design will dominate the world by the time me and my class mates are qualified.
As if that was not enough, we were fed with more brainfood and an interesting practical was carried out by Peter Mckintosh on building with adobe...It was like an interesting CTD lecture. All in all, great thanx goes towards my two lecturers for organising this enriching programme for us. Although the last day didnt go quit as planned because of the weather, seeing each other and sharing our work experiences was priceless.

Peter Mckintosh's prac


and voila...ADOBE WALL
*the brick and mortar are made using the same things i.e: sand and add a bit of tensile strength to the brick, hay is added


Saturday, August 6, 2011

August block!

I cannot wait to see my mates its been too long! Although it has only been two days since i last saw my colleagues, it feels like I've been gone too long, my everyday routine of waking up so early every morning  and catching two taxis, trying to avoid traffic kind of seems far fetched now that I'm back in the Cape.I miss work already. I have been so busy at work these last couple of weeks nearing the block, but I tried patching up some schoolwork and squeezing in some reading too. As much as I am excited, I am anxious to see how the programme will turn out and I could only hope and pray that it will be enriching and refresh our minds just like the 1st block we had.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Bumbane village

Towards the end of lastweek, I got a task of creating toilets for a cultural village. I was under pressure and had only a few hours to finish everything. I thought I was done until one of my colleaugues decided to hang up my drawings and decided to call everyone to crit it. With the QS sending someone to fetch them in just a few minutes...I literally felt like running but, I guarded my loins. I did all the corrections and managed to finish before the end of the day. wheeew!

This week is so relaxed...another student came in and is from NMMU for the holidays. I'm just asking everyone if I can help out where I can...but everyone is on a tight hold of their project. Now I'm going to try catch up on all my schoolwork. All I've done since monday is go visit the QS, copied and folded a whole lot of drawings. Now I'm about to help out with some filing.

Tomorrow my mom is flying in to visit me and leaving on Monday morning, atleast there's something to look forward to. I havent even gotten down to decorating my new place. All I can do now is clean it up and make it look beautifully squeauky squeaky squeaky clean.

Till next time


Tuesday, June 28, 2011


This month has just flown by and that means yet a month closer to block 2...i cannot wait to see my class mates again and get some stories on their work experience. My mom is also coming to visit me next month so that is something to look forward to.

This week i'm ''first lady'' again,our receptionist went out of town, now I must fill in and make sure the office is running smoothly and at the same time do my portion of the office work, talk about busy!

I have been busy on door schedules for the past few weeks and reading a drawing can sometimes be so draining and confusing. I already want to get done with it already.

 Till next time

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

day by day

As the saying goes, so little much to do. I'm losing track right now because I do one thing and leave it half way and touch on another. I was handling things quite well, but I have realised I can only handle so much..hence why I have set up a challenge for myself to try and concentrate on a few things at a time, get them done and move on to the next. Even when I am stuck with some project at the office...I have got to the conclusion that I should atleast finish all that I am able to deal with instead of stopping each time I hit a train smash.
Asking questions... I have learned too, to realise that it goes a long way. This course forces you to be the most inquisitive you that you could ever be. There is also no place for have got to know what you want and not be on shaky ground.
''Day by day''...thats my new mottto..each day has got its own stresses enough for that one live, breathe and take each challenge by the horns and see if whether you wont feel human again.

till next time


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

busy busy busy...SURPRISE MEETING..busy busy..MOVING TO A NEW PLACE...busy busy..//IN THAT ORDER//


I am currently dealing witg three clients who have really high expectations. I am really so busy and strangely feels good..//wierd i know//..Anyways..lastweek thursday was a normal morning until something to 8 when my boss mentioned that I am accompanying him to a meeting to see Chief Mandla Mandela, Nelson Mandela's grandson, at the pasr president's birthplace. Mvezo. Evrything about me was screaming unprepared...I was dressed in my faded blue jeans with my sneakers and coat...which added abit of class..boss didnt care anyway..and so with the conceptual model we were busy with the previous day, off we went..Almost three hours on the road...we finally reach the muddy village and everything that could go wrong goes wrong...from all the potholes on the mud road, the Jeep was heavily covered in mud as if we were on a safari...I got out of the Jeep and my faded blue jeans got some mud on them...immediatelty I searched high and low for a toilet..we were already running late but to me and the boss's amazement...there were members of parliament arriving in their suits and smart clothes..either way..I searched for my toilet because the Chief hadnt arrived. I finally get someone to open up one of the rondavel designed rooms for me and am told that their is no water....ladies who work there tell me to let the mud dry and then chip it I go back to the Jeep where my boss is waiting and we pass time by having a much appreciated and mind opening conversation on architecture...More people arrive...and after two full hours...the chief appears out of his 4x4 to greet his guests..boss goes to him too. It starts to rain and i quickly chip the mud off and try and hide the stain with my only prize and smart cloth, my coat. We enter the place and the chief looks at me...I am only filled with gratitude rather than embarrasement. He too, was looking casual with his black jean, coat and sneakers..much like an ordinary person.

We sit close to two hours listening to the various speakers, included are some civil engineers who are proposing a road and bridge...and then the forum is opened to 30 something or so village members who are present..the chief then makes a peach and one director general too and then a concluding speech is then made by the wise chief.

Me and the boss are quite chuffed and surprised but then we are told that our meeting is to include just the chief at Nelson Mandela's home in Qunu... and so we set off as a convoy...the chief leading the way , us behind him and police behind us...after a rainy 45 minutes we arrive at a heavily secured home and are greeted by a policeman who opens up for us. After hours of chilling..we presented and I felt privileged to be in the home of the nobel peace prize winner without any journalist or crowd but up close and personal ...just me and my boss..needless to say..the chief loved our proposal and everything went more than well...and now its back to the drawing board as we are going to expand on the concept and meet up with the chief again.
This is probably the fourth project I am also part of as I will now be busy looking to find ideas to assist in the making of this prestigious project.

( We are to design a museum at Mvezo about Madiba's life and family- one of the company's milestone projects)

till next time

 busy on the model...
 huts on the way to Mvezo...

Thursday, May 12, 2011

12 may

I feel so old today! hitting yet another decade makes me feel like i should really progress and get somewhere in life, knowing that Im studying and actually making some sense of this life doing something I'm passionate about, architecture, feels me with warmth and assurance. Apart from wanting, i need to be progressive in order to gain ground on such a short journey we call life. Responsibilities are to be handled in a more sophisticated and mature way as I'm older.

I am being reminded every 5minutes in the office that yes today is the day I was born and singing seems to be a hobby as the birthday anthem is sung repeatedly but in different tones andn tunes. I honestly feel old.

Today I am also to go to a new site and actually meet up with the client of the house that I am currently adding to. Yesterday I worked abit on another house which is put on a realy confusing landscape. When my boss asked for me to add something as simple as a boundary wall, I felt intimidated by the level of drawing and i forgot for a second on what I should do. lol. But alas, I made sense of it all. Every good drawing starts with a basic simple point somewhere, which is dragged to form a line, leading to the next,  then the next and so on until the end result which is to be acieved is reached. Persistence and hardwork through delivering quality always starts somewhere. So I ultimately got down to doing my bit. anyways, I should get back to work...

Till next time

Friday, April 29, 2011

load off...

I am in Cape town and am sooo happy that I got to see my family, some of my archi-mates and most importantly get a really great and mind opening consultation with one of my lectureres. Working away from home makes me feel a sense of strength, which I completely have no knowledge of where it came from because now that I am back in my hometown for a while, that need to be strong is at bay...I think it is knowing that I have those who care close, should something happen to me or maybe a slight sense of home sickness, but honestly, it's a process of growing up. Never being away from home, adaptation was key and now that I have come back, I feel that I should go back to East london as I have grown to being that independant thing is for sure though, I will return yet a stronger person, its good to connect with family once in a while.

I cannot wait to get back to work and at the same time I wish time went slower because no time is enough when spent with family. What I am certain of is that I feel at ease each time i think about the cause of me having to go...and that is to build and add to my  road of experience in architecture and at the same time...adding to my personal mental and spiritual growth as a person.

I am off now,and next time I will be blogging is from my work desk back in East london....


Thursday, April 21, 2011

going home...

This week I didn't have much to do in the office...basically folded drawings and did some filing including filling in as the ''1st lady''(as boss calls it) as the receptionist was ill....

I am going home for easters and I am so excited...3 months since I have last seen my family and it feels unreal and soooooooo good. My aunt graduated and we are going to have a family re-union type of dinner party as we will meet to rejoice in her victory...inspiration for me to work hard too.

I have recieved muffins which are to die for from the office to keep me occupied in my trip to Cape town and that has made my day. I have too been constantly reminded to bring back ''snoek from Cape town'' as we have the best fish. lol! being in this town has made me realise how fortunate people Cape tonians  are...We have so much more nicer water, sceneries and buildings. buildings here are duplicative..same model types are seen almost everywhere...something we here at the office are working against...change is inevitable!

till next time you guys//Yoli//

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


OMG lastweek i met up with the owner of one of the projects I have been busy with. Everything was ready luckily, I was done with her drawings and next thing you know on friday 8 March exactly at 12.05pm a client walks in the office, seconds later it is brought to my attention that she came to see Ms Mfikili(me). My heart was too caught off guard it didnt even pound at the exact time, the visit was so unexpected. To cut a long story short, a drawing which was council-submission ready is now back to being in design-mode. The client wants more fancy things which would need lots of money, but trouble is the budget. Now I had to be level headed and not say yes to everything, I had to bring the client back to earth because the demands were kind of sky high. Luckily it was an understanding one and I managed to get her into a mutual agreement with me. Now I have to do little adjustments and call for yet another meeting. Hopefully then it will be more submissive for things to progress. Anyways, it is such a busy time right now, but as usual I am striving to be ontop of things. No stress.

Till next time,

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

March portfolio

Its yet another week, work is expanding, responsibilities are gaining mass and knowledge is broadening(INCLUDED ARE THE INTERNET CRASH COURSES WHICH MY 2ND YEAR HEAVILY RELIES UPON) I have discoverd yet a new way of uploading work, Yolasite...and arent I glad, the more options, the merrier. As anxious as I am, I'm having quite a feeling after discovering how some things work....a rewarding and satisfying sense of feel.

I have been so busy this week, so much that I've had to literally run back and forth in the office, sorting some filing out, going through pages and pages of info trying to find things( procrastination symptoms at but out of all this I still manage to uphold my composure at work and seem as proffessional and smart as I did when walking in the office every 7:15am morning...(work starts at 7:45pm , so I take it upon myself to arrive 30min earlier than everyone else just to get a headstart on whatever I'm busy with...) one thing I learnt very well from my parents while gowing up...always be on is a sign of respect and courtesy....

Speaking about time...I'm two days late on my portfolio submission and I've got a very good excuse for that... OFFICE, hopefully I will manage my time well and not be so caught up next time.

Attached below is the link to the site responsible for keeping my March portfolio...but until next time..its back to House Saunders...


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

something new


I have a very terrible flu this week and I am feeling so sluggish at work but I am trying my outmost best not to let it show. I went to the doc and was told that its due to the climate change since im now in East London and not in my hometown.

This week I am working on a Methodist church which my boss gave to me to add on to. I have completed door and window schedules, updated the section and elevations and also added on the plan. I was working fast compared to the previous project I was handling. My CAD skills are surely getting improvement by the day. I guess after this, the next challenge will come and I am excited to see what it's going to be.

till next time

Thursday, March 24, 2011

council submission!


OKAY! I have folded drawings for my colleaugues, completed issue books, went to Bisho's public work building to submit plans( which I should point out has one of the best centres I have seen ''House of traditional leaders''-view below- for the royal kings in Eastern Cape designed by one of our very own architects here at NN, OKAY, THATS BESIDES THE POINT OF THE EXCITING FACT I AM GETTING TO!), I have even went to the municipality in Oxford street to either get info or submit drawings for my colleagues.....BUT behold........ now I am to submit plans of a project made entirely BY ME and before that I had to hang up the drawings for a crit session, I am so fortunate to have colleagues who spare a whooping 15-30minutes to come together, no matter how busy (all 10 guys, including the company's driver, lol, and eventually the boss himself ) to personally crit my plans as a group....and being the only girl in the office, Im starting to adopt some of the male antics lol!! I have learnt soooooooo much and its only been a month. I am loving my job for the challenges I am able to overcome and go home feeling soooooo fullfilled each and everyday for the unmeasurable amount of knowledge I continuously adopt. Now I can truly and most definitely say I am now part of the  NN family...AND OH! I GOT HANDED MY VERY OWN TSHIRT  which you can view below...

I can only anticipate for better things yet to follow.....Watchout for this project's drawings, site pictures and planning........My boss is about to give me a new project to handle and he mentioned that he wont be soooo lenient on the deadline. Pressure!

Right this minute I'm off to a new site with one of the colleagues and after, I will be off to Oxford street to submit my work!

Till next time fellas!
